Talk to people no one else is talking to. Who would have thought that giving a speech at a funeral at age 12 would introduce me to a man who would introduce me to my first business contact who would introduce me to several other important people in my life. That's luck. That's randomness.
Ben CasnochaRule of thumb: Be skeptical of things you learned before you could read. E.g., religion.
Ben CasnochaTaking on short term risk can involve switching jobs, joining new groups / associations in the area, launching a personal blog, running an experiment within your existing job. These are some practical ways to inject volatility into your life, and thus some risk.
Ben CasnochaSometimes Plan B can have the same desired outcome, but a different path for getting there.
Ben CasnochaTalk to people no one else is talking to. Who would have thought that giving a speech at a funeral at age 12 would introduce me to a man who would introduce me to my first business contact who would introduce me to several other important people in my life. That's luck. That's randomness.
Ben Casnocha