This is an age of intellectual sauces, of essence, of distillation. We have conclusions without deductions, abridgments of history and abridgments of science without leading facts. We have animals for literature, Cabinet Encyclopaedias, Family Libraries, Diffusion Societies, and heaven knows what else! What is all this for? Not to add knowledge to the learned, but to tell points to the ignorant, without giving them the trouble to acquire the links. Oh! it is sad work. And the result will be injurious to all classes.
Benjamin HaydonThe safest principle through life, instead of reforming others, is to set about perfecting yourself.
Benjamin HaydonNever let your love for your profession overshadow your religious feeling. Depend on it that religion will strengthen, not weaken, your energies, and will not only make you a better sailor, but a superior man. Professional studies are not to be neglected; but, on the other hand, take care how you fall into the common error of believing they are the remedy for all the ills of life.
Benjamin HaydonDanger is the very basis of superstition. It produces a searching after help supernaturally when human means are no longer supposed to be available.
Benjamin HaydonIt is highly convenient to believe in the infinite mercy of God when you feel the need of mercy, but remember also his infinite justice.
Benjamin Haydon