The real reason we haven't had peace is because of a persistent refusal of the Palestinians to recognize a Jewish state in any border.
Benjamin NetanyahuI think that a strong Israel is the only Israel that will bring the Arabs to the peace table.
Benjamin NetanyahuSo I think we should stay focused on the real problem in the Middle East. It's not Israel. It's these dictatorships that are developing nuclear weapons with the specific goal of wiping Israel away.
Benjamin NetanyahuYou can make peace with an enemy, if the enemy abandons the idea of destroying you. That is the critical test. Democracies fail to understand what I just said.
Benjamin NetanyahuTerrorism is carried out purposefully, in a cold-blooded, calculated fashion. The declared goals of the terrorist may change from place to place. He supposedly fights to remedy wrongs -- social, religious, national, racial. But for all these problems his only solution is the demolition of the whole structure of society. No partial solution, not even the total redressing of the grievance he complains of, will satisfy him -- until our social system is destroyed or delivered into his hands.
Benjamin Netanyahu