Upon my return from the army to Baltimore in the winter of 1777, I sat next to John Adams in Congress, and upon my whispering to him and asking him if he thought we should succeed in our struggle with Great Britain, he answered me, "Yes-if we fear God and repent of our sins."
Benjamin RushAs the War Office of the United States was established in a time of peace, it is equally reasonable that a Peace Office should be established in a time of War.
Benjamin RushI do not believe that the Constitution was the offspring of inspiration, but I am as satisfied that it is as much the work of a Divine Providence as any of the miracles recorded in the Old and New Testament.
Benjamin RushI anticipate the Day when to command Respect in the remotest Regions it will be sufficient to say I am an American.
Benjamin RushIn Macbeth a lady is restrained from the murder of a king by his resemblance of her father as he slept. Should not all men be restrained from acts of violence and even of unkindness against their fellow men by observing in them something which resembles the Savior of the World? If nothing else certainly, a human figure?
Benjamin Rush