Nimzovitch became then for me more or less the author of the only book which could help me get away from these Euwe books, which, I admit, are very good for the ordinary club player. But once you've reached a certain strength you get the impression that everything that Euwe writes is a lie.
Bent LarsenIn my opinion the Open variation is absolutely correct - and more interesting than the Closed.
Bent LarsenNimzovitch became then for me more or less the author of the only book which could help me get away from these Euwe books, which, I admit, are very good for the ordinary club player. But once you've reached a certain strength you get the impression that everything that Euwe writes is a lie.
Bent LarsenThe books say that it is not so serious to lose time in a closed position; I am lucky, since these comments have not harmed me too much.
Bent Larsen