Why should an intellectual have to renounce the pleasures of life? I am not a hermit. I am a man of flesh and blood. In fact, if you look at my name in French, that schizophrenia, that aspiration to several lives is contained in my name. Lรฉvy is also les vies - "the lives".
Bernard-Henri LevyI work even when I am on vacation. You know that line by Stรฉphane Mallarmรฉ, "All earthly existence must ultimately be contained in a book"? I am the kind of person who finds life interesting only if it is translated into writing, if it is parsed into words.
Bernard-Henri LevyEurope needs to develop a sense of collective history - we need to write books from a European perspective, to teach it in schools as well.
Bernard-Henri LevyI really like the United State, its relationship to space and time, its interest in mobility, its cosmopolitanism.
Bernard-Henri Levy