Having no children had been a kind of choice up to the moment when, from a choice, it became a sadness.
Bernardo BertolucciI think that I used to love Hollywood movies. I remember great phases and moments. But, unfortunately, now is not the moment.
Bernardo BertolucciI like to be in a huis clos, as the French say - in one place. It's something that in general can create a bit of claustrophobia. But for me, claustrophobia becomes almost immediately claustrophilia. I love it!
Bernardo BertolucciA name? Oh, Jesus Christ. Ah, God, I've been called by a million names all my life. I don't want a name. I'm better off with a grunt or a groan for a name.
Bernardo BertolucciI think that Hollywood should also be influenced by directors from Hong Kong. You see how Quentin Tarantino is really the example of how you can develop, and how you can go ahead if you accept the existence of different cinematic cultures. There you have Quentin playing with kung-fu. That's why the independents are the most interesting.
Bernardo Bertolucci