When the average Social Security benefit is $1328 a month, and more than one-third of our senior citizens rely on Social Security for Virtually all of their income, our job is to expand benefits, not cut them.
Bernie SandersDefy the pundits again and reach for a high voter turnout that'll shock the establishment.
Bernie SandersWhat a grassroots party is about is people getting excited, getting involved in the local political process, saying, we want our candidate to run for office, we want him to run for office, and we're going to get involved and make sure that he or she wins.
Bernie SandersTo my mind, what is most important now is the defeating of the worst candidate for president that I have seen in my lifetime, Donald Trump, who is not qualified to be president by temperament, not qualified to be president by the ideas that he has brought forth.
Bernie SandersThings are getting worse. You know, when you look at this campaign, and you realize the enormously serious issues this country faces, right, we got a collapsing middle class. We have more wealth and income inequality today than we've had since the 1920s. We have all of these enormous issues.
Bernie Sanders