A person may encircle the globe with mind open only to bodily comfort. Another may live his life on a sixty-foot lot and listen to the voices of the universe.
Bess Streeter AldrichIt was true, she thought, that the big things awe us but the little things touch us.
Bess Streeter AldrichJunior was eleven. The statement is significant. There are a few peevish people in the world who believe that all eleven-year-old boys ought to be hung. Others, less irritable, think that gently chloroforming them would seem more humane. A great many good-natured folks contend that incarceration for a couple of years would prove the best way to dispose of them.
Bess Streeter Aldrichnot all clever words are true. ... And inversely most things that are true are not clever.
Bess Streeter Aldrich