Reclaiming the word fat was the most empowering step in my progress. I stopped using it for insult or degradation and instead replaced it with truth, because the truth is that I am fat, and that's ok. So now when someone calls me fat, I agree, whereas before I would get embarrassed and emotional.
Beth DittoPortland is a place where you can find a community as a feminist, a vegan or a fat activist. Artists, musicians, knitters, and filmmakers can all meet like-minded souls. It's proved the perfect place for me and all my punk friends.
Beth DittoThere is no rule in the pink-triangle guide to coming out that you must wear a rainbow flag cap and organise a full band parade.
Beth DittoA few years back, when my style was "punk grandma", I picked up an amazing pair of sandals - orthopaedic ones, with really thick soles. I've given them away to a friend now, because these days my look is more "1980s substitute teacher gone wild."
Beth DittoIf you have a therapist who agrees with your every word, then your brain isn't getting proper exercise.
Beth Ditto