I haven't had anything said to my face. ... I don't know what goes on behind closed doors. I did understand it was out there. That's one of the reasons I like my partnership with Secret and calling the NFL: It's a chance to break through some barriers by showing what you can do, as opposed to telling people what you can do. That's the approach I prefer to take: Let me prove to you that a woman is capable of doing this. Then, hopefully, you won't have to ask that question ever again.
Beth MowinsI've come to understand over the years that you're not going to please everybody. Some people are not interested in seeing a woman in the role of a broadcaster. But there are a lot of people who do come into this with an open mind, and it's up to me to prove to them that I'm qualified for the job and can get it done.
Beth MowinsDon't be afraid to ask people 'why,' 'what if.' Don't be afraid to attack your career. Get in the game, don't stay on the sidelines.
Beth MowinsEvery woman I know in the broadcast business worked hard so we can talk about sports, not talk about us talking about sports. Ultimately, that's the goal. When the game starts, it's just a game.
Beth MowinsI have really tried my best to ignore any double standard. I can't control the expectations of other people. I can control my attitude and my energy, and that's always been very positive.
Beth MowinsHopefully, there isn't any adjustment at all in terms of what I am doing and what I'm preparing. Obviously, there's going to be goose bumps. There's gonna be an adrenaline rush. I want that excitement. I want that anxiety. Because that lets you know that you're passionate about what you do and that this is important. I'd much rather be in that environment than not.
Beth Mowins