When an editor works with an author, she cannot help seeing into the medicine cabinet of his soul. All the terrible emotions, the desire for vindications, the paranoia, and the projection are bottled in there, along with all the excesses of envy, desire for revenge, all the hypochondriacal responses, rituals, defenses, and the twin obsessions with sex and money. It other words, the stuff of great books.
Betsy LernerAsking for advice about what you should write is a little like asking for help getting dressed. I can you tell you what I think looks good, but you have to wear it. And as every fashion victim knows, very few people look good in everything.
Betsy LernerNo matter how many compromises were made along the way, no matter what happens in the future, a book is a thing to behold.
Betsy LernerFear of failure is the reason most often cited to explain why so many aspiring writers never realize their dreams. But I think itโs that same fear of failure that absolutely invigorates those who do push through-that is, the fear of not being heard.
Betsy LernerWhen an editor works with an author, she cannot help seeing into the medicine cabinet of his soul. All the terrible emotions, the desire for vindications, the paranoia, and the projection are bottled in there, along with all the excesses of envy, desire for revenge, all the hypochondriacal responses, rituals, defenses, and the twin obsessions with sex and money. It other words, the stuff of great books.
Betsy Lerner