Oh time...time, pass so that I forget! Oh time, Great Healer, pass over me and let me forget.
Betty SmithSometimes I think it's better to suffer bitter unhappiness and to fight and to scream out, and even to suffer that terrible pain, than to just be... safe. At least she knows she's living.
Betty SmithI can never give a 'yes' or a 'no.' I don't believe everything in life can be settled by a monosyllable.
Betty SmithIn teaching your child, do not forget that suffering is good too. It makes a person rich in character.
Betty SmithA lie was something you told because you were mean or a coward. A story was something you made up out of something that might have happened. Only you didn't tell it like it was, you told it like you thought it should have been.
Betty SmithShe went out and took a last long look at the shabby little library. She knew she would never see it again. Eyes changed after they looked at new things. If in the years to be she were to come back, her new eyes might make everything seem different from the way she saw it now. The way it was now was the way she wanted to remember it.
Betty Smith