[Students for a Democratic Society] was on many campuses and it was a powerful organization. It was founded by Tom Hayden, who passed away very recently. It was one of the founders of SDS and that chief writer of the Port Huron Statement, which is still worth reading. It's kind of the Bernie Sanders campaign document in a funny way.
Bill AyersOne hundred years from now, we'll all be dead. It's hard to believe. One hundred years from now, everyone we see every day will be gone.
Bill AyersThere were no political ideas. It was an apolitical time. It was the '50s and in the privilege of the suburbs.
Bill AyersTeaching has always been, for me, linked to issues of social justice. I've never considered it a neutral or passive profession.
Bill AyersEvery politician - FDR, Lyndon Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama - they're all conservative by nature. They are part of the big thing and they're moving in a very constrained world.
Bill Ayers