[John] McCain seemed to be winking to the Right, and [Barack] Obama seemed to be winking to the Left. Neither one of them - if McCain had been elected we'd still be where we are on gay rights.
Bill AyersIf you listen to the debate, [Barack Obama] and [John] McCain said the same thing about gay rights.
Bill AyersTeaching has always been, for me, linked to issues of social justice. I've never considered it a neutral or passive profession.
Bill AyersEducation is a right, it's a journey, it's a process, and it's something we have to stand for, as hard as it is.
Bill AyersTo be a human being is to suffer. But it's the unnecessary suffering, it's the suffering that we visit upon one another, that really should be stopped.
Bill AyersYou cannot live a political life, you cannot live a moral life if you're not willing to open your eyes and see the world more clearly. See some of the injustice that's going on. Try to make yourself aware of what's happening in the world. And when you are aware, you have a responsibility to act.
Bill Ayers