Pardon me, not to sound elitist, but I wanted to put something together that I would enjoy. I thought at that time, what satiated me, what interested me, what intrigued me, I thought other people would like also. And you blend that with some forward thinking of predicting the UFC and MMA were going to be ultimately as big as it became.
Bill GoldbergMy character was a homogenization of various things, whether it be the attitude of a Bruiser Brody, or the look of Nikita Koloff or the way that Nikita looked at the people. I took a little bit of what I liked and what I had seen throughout the years from everybody that I was entertained by and made it my own.
Bill GoldbergGeorgia Dome was a pretty big eye opener that I had something kind of going in the right direction. It seemed like a movement, and I was greatly appreciative for the chants and the signs.
Bill GoldbergAll of my cats are adopted and all show their gratitude on a daily basis. I don't know where I would be without them.
Bill GoldbergMy foray into the wrestling world is well documented in that I have stated many a time that I am not the kid that grows up and aspires to put wrestling trunks and wrestling boots on and get in the ring and flies around to entertain people.
Bill Goldberg