If being tolerant of differing opinions, if believing that America has to make it as a pluralistic nation, if being civil, if that makes you a liberal, I plead guilty.
Bill MoyersHaving lost faith in all else, zealots have nothing left but a holy cause to please a warrior God. They win if we become holy warriors, too; if we kill the innocent as they do; strike first at those who had not struck us; allow our leaders to use the fear of terrorism to make us afraid of the truth; cease to think and reason together, allowing others to tell what's in God's mind.
Bill MoyersThe fault line in American history is now a dividing line in the election and it's changing the conversation.
Bill MoyersI believe democracy requires a 'sacred contract' between journalists and those who put their trust in us to tell them what we can about how the world really works.
Bill Moyers