Basketball is one of those rare opportunities where you can make a difference, not only for yourself, but for other people as well.
Bill WaltonKevin Garnett is the prototype for the NBA player of the future. He's already one of the greatest players to have played the game.
Bill WaltonI'm a fan and a friend, I met them in 1974 when I first joined the NBA and my life has never been he same since. I became the basketball player I was because of the Grateful Dead.
Bill WaltonNo one missed more basketball in the history of NBA than I did. I played 14 seasons, on the roster for 14 years, and I missed more than nine-and-a-half full seasons.
Bill WaltonI had this fantastic collection of Grateful Dead T-shirts and live concert music the band had give me over all these years, decades of material, and when our boys became teenagers they started going through everything and wearing the shirts and listening to the music and that's what the Grateful Dead is all about.
Bill Walton