Treat your past as a book that you learn from instead of a hammer that you beat yourself up about.
Bill WhittleLiberals want Conservatives to shut up. Conservatives want Liberals to keep talking. Because our arguments make sense and theirs don't
Bill WhittleAny idiot can build bombs. Our Trinity sits not on some desert sand seared into glass at an abandoned, sad pillar of stones. It's in our heads and our hearts, it's in our genes, this beautiful, gorgeous marriage of money, freedom and ingenuity.
Bill WhittleWe fight wars not to have peace, but to have a peace worth having. Slavery is peace. Tyranny is peace. For that matter, genocide is peace when you get right down to it. The historical consequences of a philosophy predicated on the notion of no war at any cost are families flying to the Super Bowl accompanied by three or four trusted slaves and a Europe devoid of a single living Jew.
Bill Whittle