It doesn't take much to be good, but it takes a lot to be real good.
Turn on, tune up, rock out.
A blown-out tube ripped some of the grind from the amplifier, throwing us into a momentary tizzy. The unusual sound led me to play unusually, and the recorded take turned out to be a keeper. Insriration can come from the most unlikely places ... keep your head on and your ears open.
In 1950, the biggest amp you could get was no bigger than a tabletop radio.
Sounds like the blues are composed of feeling, finesse, and fear.
Lightnin' Hopkins taught us, "the rubber on a wheel is faster than the rubber on a heel" and Muddy Waters taught us "you don't have to be the best one; just be a good 'un" .. that just about says it all, always strive to be a good 'un.