This evolution may compromise Java's claim of being simpler than C++, but my guess is that the effort will make Java a better language than it is today.
Bjarne StroustrupToo many managers and executives try to reduce programming to a low-level assembly-line activity. That's inefficient, wasteful, costly in the long run, and inhumane to programmers.
Bjarne StroustrupMore good code has been written in languages denounced as "bad'' than in languages proclaimed "wonderful'' - much more.
Bjarne StroustrupThere is no one "root of all evil" in software development. Design is hard in many ways. People tend to underestimate the intellectual and practical difficulties involved in building a significant system involving software. It is not and will not be reduced to a simple mechanical "assembly line" process. Creativity, engineering principles, and evolutionary change are needed to create a satisfactory large system.
Bjarne Stroustrup