The life of an Indian is like the wings of the air. That is why you notice the hawk knows how to get his prey. The Indian is like that. The hawk swoops down on its prey, so does the Indian. In his lament he is like an animal. For instance, the coyote is sly, so is the Indian. The eagle is the same. That is why the Indian is always feathered up, he is a relative to the wings of the air.
Black ElkAll things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One.
Black ElkAnd if the great fear had not come upon me, as it did, and forced me to do my duty, I might have been less good to the people than some man who had never dreamed at all, even with the memory of so great a vision in me.
Black ElkIf I thought that I was doing it myself, the hole would close up and no power could come through. Then everything I could do would be foolish.
Black Elk