It is not shameful for a man to succumb to pain and it is shameful to succumb to pleasure.
Blaise PascalThe art of subversion, of revolution, is to dislodge established customs by probing down to their origins in order to show how they lack authority and justice.
Blaise PascalHe who cannot believe is cursed, for he reveals by his unbelief that God has not chosen to give him grace.
Blaise PascalCuriosity is only vanity. We usually only want to know something so that we can talk about it.
Blaise PascalThe Fall is an offense to human reason, but once accepted, it makes perfect sense of the human condition.
Blaise PascalIt is dangerous to tell the people that the laws are unjust; for they obey them only because they think them just. Therefore it isnecessary to tell them at the same time that they must obey them because they are laws, just as they must obey superiors, not because they are just, but because they are superiors. In this way all sedition is prevented.
Blaise Pascal