Barack Obama likes to point to General Motors as the poster child for the job creation success of his economic policies. However, whatever your sentiments about the government's bailout of General Motors, for every job Barack Obama 'saved-or-created' in the U.S. there were two jobs off shore.
Bob BeauprezRomney-Ryan is likely the best matched 'team' that has been on a national ticket in a very long time.
Bob BeauprezCountries around the world are celebrating new oil and natural gas discoveries that hold the promise of greater prosperity for their citizens.
Bob BeauprezWhen the American people elected Barack Obama and large Democrat majorities, the die was cast. ObamaCare was coming. Popular or not, constitutional or not, affordable or not, it didn't matter.
Bob BeauprezObama and the Democrats' preposterous argument is that we are just one more big tax increase away from solving our economic problems. The inescapable conclusion, however, is that the primary driver of the short-term deficit is not tax cuts but the lack of any meaningful economic growth over the last half decade.
Bob Beauprez