Love binds people too, in matrimony's sacred bonds where chaste lovers are met, and friends cement their trust and friendship. How happy is mankind, if the love that orders the stars above rules, too, in your hearts.
BoethiusThe science of numbers ought to be preferred as an acquisition before all others, because of its necessity and because of the great secrets and other mysteries which there are in the properties of numbers. All sciences partake of it, and it has need of none.
BoethiusSo nothing is ever good or bad unless you think it so, and vice versa. All luck is good luck to the man who bears it with equanimity.
BoethiusIf there is a God, whence proceed so many evils? If there is no God, whence cometh any good?
BoethiusContemplate the extent and stability of the heavens, and then at last cease to admire worthless things.
BoethiusSo it follows that those who have reason have freedom to will or not to will, although this freedom is not equal in all of them. [...] human souls are more free when they persevere in the contemplation of the mind of God, less free when they descend to the corporeal, and even less free when they are entirely imprisoned in earthly flesh and blood.