I read stories aloud at every stage. I listen to my writer friends when they kindly offer criticism. I listen to my husband when he tells me something doesn't seem right. I have my mother's boyfriend, Loring Janes, read to make sure I get everything right with the machines and guns.
Bonnie Jo CampbellDrugs and drinking affect every family I know, country and city, middle-class and poor.
Bonnie Jo CampbellI read stories aloud at every stage. I listen to my writer friends when they kindly offer criticism. I listen to my husband when he tells me something doesn't seem right. I have my mother's boyfriend, Loring Janes, read to make sure I get everything right with the machines and guns.
Bonnie Jo CampbellA mathematical proof is beautiful, but when you're finished, it's really only about one thing. A story can be about many things.
Bonnie Jo Campbell