There are five known gyres spinning around in our world's oceans. A gyre is a slowly moving spiral of currents created by a high pressure system of air currents. A spinning soup, so to speak, is made of what exists in the water. And in this case, the gyres are spinning with millions of tons of our discarded and forgotten about plastic waste!
Brandon BoydAbove our heads exists an infinity of unfathomable fantasiastics: and fields of future fireside fables trail close behind
Brandon BoydPeople, like large groups of people are stupid. Individuals are smart and can deal with things and can make things last and work, but when people get together in big crowds they're stupid. They turn into sheep, then you have major situations.
Brandon BoydI get out on my bike almost every day. If I can't walk somewhere, I'll bike or skateboard.
Brandon BoydYour music sounds better on the radio, for some reason. It's an amazing feeling. I hope it never goes away.
Brandon Boyd