It's nice to know that if you've worked really hard at something, it gets recognised with a tick in the success column - however you define that, be it making a bunch of dough, which the actors never see much of, or whether it's a piece that's enlightening or stays with the audience maybe six, seven or even eight or 10 years later.
Brendan FraserI wish I could go home. I've been on the road since May. I wonder if my dogs still remember me
Brendan FraserThey had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it?
Brendan FraserWhile green-screen work, find a way to stay true to whatever it is that it takes to act a scene out, and make sure that you use your imagination as best as you possibly can, still stay loose, and still allow yourself the liberty of doing what you need to do as an actor, and then work within the confines of what is actually possible.
Brendan Fraser