I could more easily contain Niagara Falls in a teacup than I can comprehend the wild, uncontainable love of God.
Brennan ManningHope knows that if great trials are avoided great deeds remain undone and the possibility of growth into greatness of soul is aborted.
Brennan ManningTroubadours have always been more important and influential than theologians and bishops
Brennan ManningThe ancient spiritual tradition is that God gives himself fully to us in silence and solitude.
Brennan ManningThe fierce words of Jesus addressed to the Pharisees of His day stretch across the bands of time. Today they are directed not only to fallen televangelists but to each of us. We miss Jesus' point entirely when we use His words as weapons against others. They are to be taken personally by each of us. This is the form and shape of Christian Pharisaism in our time. Hypocrisy is not hte prerogative of people in high places. The most impoverished among us is capable of it. Hypocrisy is the natural expression of what is meanest in us all.
Brennan Manning