I was holding [my four-year-old daughter] and I said, 'Sophia, I love you more than anything in the universe.' And she turned to me and said, 'Daddy, universe or multiverse?'
Brian GreeneI like to think that Einstein would look at string theoryโs journey and smile, enjoying the theoryโs remarkable geometrical features while feeling kinship with fellow travelers on the long and winding road toward unification.
Brian GreeneThere may be many Big Bangs that happened at various and far-flung locations, each creating its own swelling, spatial expanse, each creating a universe - our universe being the result of only one of those Big Bangs.
Brian GreeneIntelligence is the ability to take in information from the world and to find patterns in that information that allow you to organize your perceptions and understand the external world.
Brian GreeneThe main challenge that television presents is that I have a tendency to say things with a great deal of precision and accuracy. Often a description of that sort, which will work in a book because people can read it slowly - they can turn the pages back and so on - doesn't really work on TV because it interrupts the flow of the moving image.
Brian Greene