The advice I continually give to young writers is this, "Learn to paint pictures with words." Not just once upon a time, but ... In the long secret dust of ages, beneath a blue forgotten sky, where trade winds caress the sun bleached shores of unknown realms ... See, as much as there are words in poetry, there is a poetry in words. Use it, stay faithful to the path you have set your heart upon and follow it.
Brian JacquesAll little creatures are beautiful...every living thing when it first sees life is born in beauty. What they grow to be is a different matter.
Brian JacquesAbsoballylutely top hole, wot. A and B the C of D I'd say. . . Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.
Brian JacquesSometimes the gift of an inquisitive nature to the young can be greater than that of the wisdom which comes of age.
Brian JacquesI still pinch meself when I wake up of a morning...Who ever thought I'd be a children's author -- let alone a best-selling children's author? I feel I should still be driving a truck, or (working as) a longshoreman.
Brian Jacques