Where's the point in fighting and slaying if you can make a friend out of anybeast instead of a foe?
Brian JacquesStep aside? I step aside for nobeast, whether it be a hallowed hedgehog, an officious otter, a seasoned squirrel, a mutterin' mole or a befuddled badger!
Brian JacquesFriend is a very small word, A little sound we make, For one who is true, one who will do, Great deeds for friendship's sake.
Brian JacquesShake paws, count your claws, You steal mine, I'll borrow yours. Watch my whiskers, check both ears. Robber foxes have no fears.
Brian JacquesTell the Queen that there's been a robin red-breast hanging about Kotir grounds. It flies down low and vanishes near the floor. Cludd thinks it might be something to do with those woodlanders. Now, I'm to say nothing to Fortunata or Ashleg... 'I must tell the Queen that a robin has seen Cludd hanging about. No, that's not right. I must tellt he robin taht Cludd has been hanging the Queen.
Brian Jacques