Gert: Wake me when the fight scene's over. Kitty Pryde: Oy, tell me about it. Hey, I'm Kitty. You the token pacifist of your group? Gert: Not exactly. Pacifists are like vegans, I'm more of a vegetarian. I enjoy fish and occasional maulings.
Brian K. VaughanBrubaker and Phillipss books have always been about eight years ahead of their time.
Brian K. VaughanSure, this will probably end up being another in a long line of emotionally crippling misadventures...but let's try to have some fun along the way.
Brian K. VaughanOkay, is anyone else worried that some of the fruit didn't fall far enough away from the tree?
Brian K. VaughanI grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland in 1988 and there was just one year where suddenly all of the delivery kids that used to be boys were suddenly girls. It happened at our church too. Altar boys were suddenly altar girls. There was just this sense that all these young women knew there were openings here to be the first of their kind.
Brian K. Vaughan