But while our parting was mutually acceptable and even expedient, still it was painful. And I would like to think it hurt both of us, for I certainly felt it: a wrenching inside, like some small but improbably necessary organ was no longer in there, that it was missing, torn or fallen out. And at the time I'd thought that was the end of it; what was missing was gone forever
Brian LumleyBut other vampire stories? Well, no, I really haven't read too many, and I can't say I'm crazy about romantic vampires anyway - to me the vampire is simply an evil monster.
Brian LumleyI'll know when the ideas aren't fresh anymore. And I'll know when writing doesn't give me a thrill anymore.
Brian LumleyThe amazing thing now is that most of those so-called critics who were telling me to find my own voice seem to have lost theirs.
Brian Lumley