I believe very strongly that when it comes to desire, when it comes to attraction, that things are never black and white, things are very much shades of grey.
Brian MolkoI'm tired of being around men all the time. I'm going to start a band called Skirt with three girls and I'll play the guitar and sing backing vocals in drag. I went window shopping when I was in New York, saw a lot of amazing dresses.
Brian MolkoThere is nothing more wonderful in life than seeing life as an adventure. We should all try things that we're afraid of. We should all look very clearly into the unknown and enjoy it. Because when you come in contact with things that you really don't know, that's when you're truly living.
Brian MolkoImitation is the highest form of flattery, but clones kind of get it wrong because we are promoting individuality and being proud of being yourself.
Brian Molko