After college, I wanted to learned about myself as an American, so I left the United States and went to Japan.
Bruce FeilerKnowing more about family history is the single biggest predictor of a child's emotional well-being. Grandparents can play a special role in this process, too.
Bruce FeilerSocial media is fine, but we need to put the phones down and look somebody in the eye. Talk to your neighbor. Talk to your community. Especially talk to the one you love. It's all about connection. It's hard, but it's ultimately what gives us meaning in the world.
Bruce FeilerAdam and Eve - and especially Eve - are victims of the greatest character assassination the world has ever known. Eve is not secondary. Eve, if anything, is the great initiator in the story. She's the first independent woman. For me, rediscovering that Eve was the greatest bad**s women of all time was a revelation.
Bruce Feiler