When you break up the individuals from a community into individual units, they become disempowered because it's the collective consciousness and the collective energy of the group from which power comes. The principal driving force that lies before us is that we have to recognize the nature of community as the evolutionary step that we just took a step backwards from in the last century.
Bruce H. LiptonYour children's genes reflect only their potential, not their destiny. It is up to you to provide the environment that allows them to develop to their highest potential.
Bruce H. LiptonModern science is predicated on "truths" verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena.
Bruce H. LiptonJust like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to the environmental signals that propel life.
Bruce H. LiptonWhen two people become entangled, one person will conform to the energy of the other person. When one of them is a healer whose cells are vibrating at a higher level, the client's cells become entangled, and their energy is lifted. That's why that old saying, "physician heal thyself," is so important, even though most don't understand it: If the physician's energy is going to influence or, in scientific terms, "entrain" the patient's, the doctor's must be higher.
Bruce H. Lipton