I leave pansies, the symbolic flower of freethought, in memory of the Great Agnostic, Robert Ingersoll, who stood for equality, education, progress, free ideas and free lives, against the superstition and bigotry of religious dogma. We need men like him today more than ever. His writing still inspires us and challenges the 'better angels' of our nature, when people open their hearts and minds to his simple, honest humanity. Thank goodness he was here.
Bruce SpringsteenWe struggled together, and sometimes, we struggled with one another... We took care of one another... In the end, we kept faith in each other.
Bruce SpringsteenMy dad had a very difficult life, a hard struggle all the time at work. I've always felt like I'm seeking his revenge.
Bruce SpringsteenThere's an opera out on the turnpike, there's a ballet being fought out in the alley.
Bruce Springsteen