If you take any populated place - any major city in America - and drive 45 minutes from that spot directly out of town you'll be in about as country a place as you'll ever find.
Bubba SparxxxGod makes something special and unique about each person that sets them apart from every other person, and to me that's is what artistry is about, whether you are a plumber, a pinter, a musician whatever it is that is unique about you that is translated into your art.
Bubba SparxxxIn the rural South, you have a town of 30,000 people and everybody's pretty much thrown on the same pile of doo-doo. You just learn to make the best of it and live with one another.
Bubba SparxxxIn the rural South, 'Bubba' is like how people say 'dude' in California. It's a name for a regular Southern man. I know a Chinese Bubba, a black Bubba.
Bubba Sparxxx