Lenny Abrahamson is really the only threat to [Alejandro Gonzรกlez ] Iรฑรกrritu, simply because the entire act one of Room is amazing. I believe Brie Larson is absolutely deserving of her nomination [for Actress in a Leading Role]. I'm not sure if she's going to win, but I think this is a big moment for Brie Larson, I think her trajectory is going to go straight up.
Bun BI don't make my music for just me or a few people. Hopefully everybody that makes music wants to be embraced by the people they tryna make it for, you know what I'm saying. It's just a matter of time before everybody gets the message that I'm tryna send out.
Bun BObviously movies like this [Fast and the Furious 7] don't get any love from the Academy. If they do, it may be special effects or sound editing or something like that.
Bun BI think Straight Outta Compton is one of the greatest biopics, but I am biased on that one, obviously. There are some things the Academy gets wrong and it's important to call them on it. But in other instances, there are simply just better actors. They're doing a better job than they've done, but there's still room for improvement.
Bun B'Brookline' was a very small film and it was only here for a very short time and I wasn't able to catch it.
Bun BThey're not gong to give Hateful Eight its credit now, they'll give it its credit later. Hateful Eight was too long. I think we've indulged Quentin [Tarantino] so much with his monologues. Quentin has this very strong cult following around him and his projects, and people are always expecting so much from him.
Bun BBasically, I'm going to take what you did, the bare-bones structure of what you were trying to do, how you were attacking the song, and attack it in pretty much the same way, just with more intensity to show you that you could've come harder. Like, I've been in situations where I've had to tell a cat how to rhyme his rhyme.
Bun B