What are we even doing out here?" Burnett asked, seemingly getting more frustrated the longer he considered things. "The orders were to wait until tomorrow. Why do I give orders around here if no one listens to them?
C.C. HunterBe patient? That's all you've got for me?" Steve complained ten minutes later. Kylie glanced up at Perry, circling them as they sat behind the office, and then frowned at Steve. "I don't know why everyone thinks I'm the love guru.
C.C. HunterWhen he didn't answer, she didn't know if it was because he couldn't or if he was back to not talking to her. Back to pushing her out of his life. Men! Why was it that boys said girls were so hard to understand, when she hadn't known a single guy who hadn't confused her to the point of screaming?
C.C. HunterKylie turned and the spirit of the murderous woman stood beside her. 'You did this, didn't you?' 'Why would I burn up my own phone?' Derek asked.
C.C. HunterTake some very deep breaths," Miranda said. "Relax. Concentrate. Then envision a frosty six-pack and wiggle your pinky." A frosty six-pack. Kylie inhaled. He held out her pinky, and right then Della chimed in. "We are talking a six=pack of soda, not a cold guy with good-looking abs, right?" There was a strange kind of sizzle in the air. And suddenly appearing in front of the refrigerator was a shirtless, shivering guy with great abs. His blue eyes studied the three of them in complete bafflement. "What the...!" he muttered. Kylie gasped. Miranda giggled. Della snorted with laughter.
C.C. Hunter