The thing that reinforces my belief about that is having worked the last four years with the Safe Kids Campaign on a national basis. I am so amazed at what these little kids do in keeping their parents alerted to what they are there for.
C. Everett KoopIf you want to say how can we step into childhood and make it better for them, I would start at the activity level. I'd like to say let your kids go out and play.
C. Everett KoopProtection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery, I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother's life. If toward the end of the pregnancy complications arise that threaten the mother's health, the doctor will induce labor or perform a Caesarean section. His intention is to save the life of both the mother and the baby. The baby's life is never willfully destroyed because the mother's life is in danger.
C. Everett KoopThe Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has been in existence for most of this century.
C. Everett Koop