As we mature personally, as our families mature, and as our churches mature, we need the doctrine of sin more, not less; and we need to keep growing in rightly understanding and applying this doctrine. Be assured that this is no less true if you're a pastor or teacher or ministry worker. There's no pastoral privilege in relation to sin. There's no ministry exemption from the opposition of the flesh. There's only a heightened responsibility to oppose sin and to weaken the flesh, as an example to the flock.
C. J. MahaneyRead, but not to remember everything. Read because that 1% that you remember has the potential to change your life.
C. J. MahaneySunday is the best day of the week because we celebrate the risen Christ of the cross in the local church, the dearest place on earth.
C. J. MahaneyIt was humanly impossible for the disciples to free themselves from their selfish pursuit of self-exaltation, just as it's impossible for us to free ourselves from the very same sins.
C. J. MahaneyTo learn true humility, we need more than a redefinition of greatness; we need even more than Jesus' personal example of humble service. What we need is His death.
C. J. Mahaney