Nothing is easier to avoid than publicity. If one genuinely doesn't want it, one doesn't get it.
C.P. SnowMost of the scientists I have known well have felt - just as deeply as the non-scientists I have known well - that the individual condition of each is tragic. Each of us is alone: sometimes we escape from solitariness, through love or affection or perhaps creative moments, but those triumphs of life are pools of light we make for ourselves while the edge of the road is black: each of us dies alone.
C.P. SnowI want a man who knows something about himself. And is appalled. And has to forgive himself to get along.
C.P. SnowTwo polar groups: at one pole we have the literary intellectuals, at the other scientists, and as the most representative, the physical scientists. Between the two a gulf of mutual incomprehension.
C.P. Snow