Is there any possibility of getting the super Welfare State's honey and avoiding the sting?
C. S. LewisLiterary experience heals the wound, without undermining the privilege, of individuality.
C. S. LewisThe descent to hell is easy and those who begin by worshipping power, soon worship evil.
C. S. LewisWell!' said Puddleglum, rubbing his hands. 'This is just what I needed. If these chaps don't teach me to take a serious view of life, I don't know what will.
C. S. LewisThe action of Pity leaps quicker than light from the highest place to the lowest to bring healing and joy, whatever the cost to itself. It changes darkness into light and evil into good. But it will not, at the cunning tears of Hell, impose on good the tyranny of evil. Every disease that submits to a cure shall be cured: but we will not call blue yellow to please those who insist on having jaundice, nor make a midden of the world's garden for the sake of some who cannot abide the smell of roses.
C. S. Lewis