That is the key to history. Terrific energy is expended - civilizations are built up - excellent institutions devised; but each time something goes wrong. Some fatal flaw always brings the selfish and cruel people to the top, and then it all slides back into misery and ruin. In fact, the machine conks. It seems to start up all right and runs a few yards, and then it breaks down.
C. S. LewisGod, in the end, gives people what they most want, including freedom from himself. What could be more fair?
C. S. LewisNext to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses.
C. S. LewisWe were talking of DRAGONS, Tolkien and I In a Berkshire bar. The big workman Who had sat silent and sucked his pipe All the evening, from his empty mug With gleaming eye glanced towards us: "I seen 'em myself!" he said fiercely.
C. S. Lewis