I never exactly made a book. It's rather like taking dictation. I was given things to say.
C. S. LewisIf God is Love, He is, by definition, something more than mere kindness. And it appears, from all the records, that though He has often rebuked us and condemned us, He has never regarded us with contempt. He has paid us the intolerable compliment of loving us, in the deepest, most tragic, most inexorable sense.
C. S. LewisAll is summed up in the prayer which a young female human is said to have uttered recently: "O God, make me a normal twentieth-century girl!" Thanks to our labors, this will mean increasingly: "Make me a minx, a moron, and a parasite.
C. S. LewisThe laws of thought are also the laws of things: of things in the remotest space and the remotest time.
C. S. Lewis