When an artist is in the strict sense working, he of course takes into account the existing tastes, interests and capacity of his audience. These no less than the language , the marble, the paint, are part of his aw material.; to be used, tamed, sublimated, not ignored or defied. Haughty indifference to them is not genius, it is laziness and incompetence.
C. S. LewisPeriods' are largely an invention of the historians. The poets themselves are not conscious of living in any period and refuse to conform to the scheme.
C. S. LewisYou can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
C. S. LewisThe people with very hard problems are understood by God. He knows what wretched machines they are trying to drive. Some day he will fling them away and give those people new ones; then they may astonish everyone, for they learned their driving in a hard school. Some of the last will be first and some of the first will be last.
C. S. Lewis