To every man, in his acquaintance with a new art, there comes a moment when that which before was meaningless first lifts, as it were, one corner of the curtain that hides its mystery, and reveals, in a burst of delight which later and fuller understanding can hardly ever equal, one glimpse of the indefinite possibilities within.
C. S. LewisWill the others see you too?" asked Lucy. "Certainly not at first," said Aslan. "Later on, it depends." "But they wonโt believe me!" said Lucy. "It doesnโt matter.
C. S. LewisThe great thing with unhappy times is to take them bit by bit, hour by hour, like an illness. It is seldom the present, the exact present, that is unbearable.
C. S. LewisRemember, he is not, like you, a pure spirit. Never having been a human (Oh that abominable advantage of the Enemy's) you don't realize how enslaved they are to the pressure of the ordinary.
C. S. LewisI wish we didn't live in a world where buying and selling things seems to have become almost more important than either producing or using them.
C. S. Lewis