Surely you know that if a man can't be cured of churchgoing, the next best thing is to send him all over the neighbourhood looking for the church that "suits" him until he becomes a taster or connoisseur of churches.
C. S. LewisMost people spend most of their lives doing neither what they want to be doing nor what they ought to be doing.
C. S. LewisThe proper motto is not Be good, sweet maid, and let who can be clever, but Be good sweet maid, and don't forget that this involves being as clever as you can. God is no fonder of intellectual slackers than any other slackers.
C. S. LewisThe assumption that things which have been conjured in the past will always be conjured in the guiding principle not of rational but of animal behavior.
C. S. LewisWhatever you do, He will make good of it. But not the good He had prepared for you if you had obeyed him.
C. S. LewisThe problem of reconciling human suffering with the existence of a God who loves, is only insoluble so long as we attach a trivial meaning to the word "love", and look on things as if man were the centre of them. Man is not the centre. God does not exist for the sake of man. Man does not exist for his own sake. "Thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." We were made not primarily that we may love God (though we were made for that too) but that God may love us, that we may become objects in which the divine love may rest "well pleased".
C. S. Lewis